Friday, February 16, 2007

Harry Potter Visits Parents' Home, Bill and Fleur To Marry

Ron Weasley and Herione Granger plan to accompany Harry Potter to his parents' home at Godric's Hollow. Or what's left of it. Apparently He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did quite a number on it with his green light bomb.

I don't know whether he's going there looking for information that will help him in his quest to put an end to Voldemort or whether it's more of a spiritual journey as he prepares to do what he must, but it will be an interesting trip for us all.

I am also looking forward to the wedding of Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour, and wonder if Bill is out of the hero business forever now that he is starting a new life and almost didn't make it out of his last adventure alive. I'm sure his new wife won't sit quietly if he decides to go play hero.

Speaking of which, I wonder what the fate of the Order of the Phoenix will be, since it is a group started and maintained by Albus Dumbledore. Without their leader, will they simply settle into their lives and hope for the best, as people tend to do? Or do they think that, at this point, Harry really is the only one who has any business confronting Voldemort?

This is a continuation of the series of posts on unresolved plot issues that will be addressed in Harry Potter Book 7, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I began the series Feb. 14.

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